After implemented the OSNOTE on SNOTE:
1668882 Por favor, instale para mantener Note Assistant actualizado
2869143 Por favor, instale para asegurar la descarga correcta de las pistas
3093855 Por favor, instale para mantener Note Assistant actualizado
The program SNOTE was dump with the following message:
Error in the ABAP application program.
The current ABAP program “SAPLSCWP” had to be terminated because it found a
statement that could not be executed.
In include “CL_SCWN_NOTE_SAR_FILE_N=======CU “, in line 32 of program
“SAPLSCWE “, the following syntax errors
have occurred:
Type “CWB_T_NOTE_DWLD_HTML_RESP” is unknown.
Author and last person to change the include are:
Author SAP
Last changed by “CK_STARTUP “
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