how to monitor and control diag. work process from application server

Hi Experts,

we have 4 application servers of SAP system.

if it possible write an abap/4 report to control the diag. work process from sm50.

1. we have 100 diag. WPs pre instance. if WPs 100% occupied , of course neither GUI nor RFC connections can  login to application server anymore.

2. we want such report can automatially monitor all 4 machines every minuter, say ones 90 diag. running WPs reached nobody can logon into system whaterver GUI or RFC from interface.

3. except a special heartbeat RFC user who call the SAP app. server(a F5 IP address) from an exteral  JAVA JCO program and return some health parameter every 5 minuter of current SAP server which he login.

4. and also SAP BASIS administrator(user) still can login system(GUI) at the point of time(90% diag. WP are running)


pls help.

Thanks so much.


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