Hi all!
I have created a custom field ZZLGORT of type LGORT (storage location) within the ZSD_KOMPAZ structure, which is appended to the KOMPAZ structure.
This allows the storage location data to be available in table A5xx as part of the pricing condition combination (ZZLGORT/MATNR) in transaction VK11.
Additionally, ZZLGORT has a custom search help.
I have also implemented Enhancement Implementations within MV45AFZZ and RV60AFZZ.
My Questions:
- How can I transfer the A5xx-ZZLGORT field, along with its values, to the Fiori app F4111 (Manage Prices)? Is this possible in any way?
- How can I ensure that this field also retains its search help within the Fiori application?
Thanks in advance!