Everyone, Currently I am trying to deserialize a Json response into the sap deep structure but facing an issue that it is deserializing only have some part of the response, it is not able to deserialize complex deep structure. This is the response that I am trying to deserialize.

{"detail":[{"type":"success","data":[{"id":"bb3dbe1c-def5-45ff-beec-bcfbc6bce751","job_id":"45c42a0c-3d47-44fd-912d-02008a7a4e4a","status":"Completed","name":"MY_Use Case 1_Insurance_Motor Quotation.pdf","type":"application/pdf","result":{"line":"Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad (200601015674) Quotation No : QKL24100001965 Authorised Agent TBB ENTERPRISE SDN. BHD. Issued Date : 02-10-2024 NO. 329, 1ST FLOOR, JALAN PUDU 55100 KUALA LUMPUR Contact: 92228855 Fax No: 92225491 E-Mail: [email protected] Motor Quotation Quotation To LIAU CHIEW HAR Client Gender FEMALE Client NRIC / Busn. Reg 76102512xxxx Client Marital Status MARRIED Client Postcode 47100 Client City PUCHONG Client State SELANGOR Client HP / Phone No 60123495159 Client Email [email protected] Vehicle No. VDU1215 Agent Code KL32922 Cover Note Type NEW BUSINESS - OLD VEHICLE, OLD REGISTRATION Vehicle Class PRIVATE CARS EXCLUDING GOODS Vehicle Use PRIVATE CAR -PRIVATE USE (DRIVE TO WORK/DAILY USE) Type of Cover COMPREHENSIVE Inception Date 05-10-2024 Expiry Date 04-10-2025 Make & Model HONDA CR-V 1.5L TC-P 2WD Capacity 1498.00 CC No. of Seats 5 Year of Manufacturing 2019 Sum Insured RM 117,000.00 Agreed Value) (HONDA CR-V RW WAGON TC-P 2WD (A) 1.5 [4DOOR 1 SPEED CONSTANTLY VARIABLE] CKD-HIGH) NCD 55.00 % Basic Premium (Vehicle) 3,143.24 Basic Premium (Trailer) + 0.00 3,143.24 NCD 55.00 - 1,728.78 ADD BENEFIT SUM INSURED UNNAMED DRIVER RM 0.00 20.00 LEGAL LIABILITY OF PASSENGERS FOR NEGLIGENT ACTS RM 0.00 7.50 COVER FOR WINDSCREENS, WINDOWS AND SUNROOF RM 2,000.00 300.00 INCLUSION OF SPECIAL PERILS RM 117,000.00 234.00 KEY CARE RM 1,000.00 7.00 CAR BREAK-IN/ROBBERY RM 500.00 3.00 MOTOR ENHANCED ROAD WARRIOR (PLAN A) RM 10,000.00 99.00 LEGAL LIABILITY TO PASSENGERS RM 0.00 33.75 Gross Premium 2,118.71 + Stamp Duty + 10.00 Total Insurance Premium 2,128.71 0.00 Road Tax 0.00 Other Amount 0.00 Service Tax + 169.50 Total Payable 2298.21 Amount Payable (Rounded) 2298.20 Risk Excess 0.00 Page 1 02-10-2024 11:56:27 ","form":{"NCD":"55.00 %","Cover Note Type":"NEW BUSINESS - OLD VEHICLE, OLD REGISTRATION","Client HP / Phone No":"60123495159","Type of Cover":"COMPREHENSIVE","Agent Code":"KL32922","Fax No:":"92225491","Vehicle Use":"PRIVATE CAR -PRIVATE USE (DRIVE TO WORK/DAILY USE)","Vehicle No.":"VDU1215","Issued Date :":"02-10-2024","Contact:":"92228855","E-Mail:":"[email protected]","Year of Manufacturing":"2019","Client Gender":"FEMALE","Vehicle Class":"PRIVATE CARS EXCLUDING GOODS","Client Postcode":"47100","Client City":"PUCHONG","Client NRIC / Busn. Reg":"76102512xxxx","Client Marital Status":"MARRIED","Client Email":"[email protected]","Make & Model":"HONDA CR-V 1.5L TC-P 2WD","Capacity":"1498.00 CC","Quotation No :":"QKL24100001965","Amount Payable (Rounded)":"2298.20","Page":"1","Quotation To":"LIAU CHIEW HAR","Client State":"SELANGOR","Expiry Date":"04-10-2025","Sum Insured":"RM 117,000.00 Agreed Value) (HONDA CR-V RW WAGON TC-P 2WD (A) 1.5 [4DOOR 1 SPEED CONSTANTLY VARIABLE] CKD-HIGH)","No. of Seats":"5","Basic Premium (Trailer) +":"0.00 3,143.24","Inception Date":"05-10-2024","Road Tax":"0.00","Risk Excess":"0.00","+ Stamp Duty":"10.00","55.00 -":"1,728.78","Basic Premium (Vehicle)":"3,143.24","Other Amount":"0.00","Gross Premium":"2,118.71","Total Insurance Premium":"2,128.71","Service Tax":"169.50","Total Payable":"2298.21","LEGAL LIABILITY TO PASSENGERS":"33.75","Berhad":"(200601015674)","COVER FOR WINDSCREENS, WINDOWS AND SUNROOF RM 2,000.00":"300.00","LEGAL LIABILITY OF PASSENGERS FOR NEGLIGENT ACTS RM 0.00":"7.50","UNNAMED DRIVER RM 0.00":"20.00","MOTOR ENHANCED ROAD WARRIOR (PLAN A) RM 10,000.00":"99.00"},"table":[{"heading":[""],"rows":[""]}],"signature":[],"barcode":[]},"document_id":"ccb4835aee3ebc0a21e1055eb341a9f6","page_number":1,"document_url":"","updated_at":"2025-02-12T10:53:49.667447+05:30","file_size":94096,"pages":2,"created_at":"2025-02-12T10:53:37.820070+05:30","page_processing_time":"0:00:11.847377"},{"id":"509e28db-6794-4e02-91d3-e35f4c7310e9","job_id":"45c42a0c-3d47-44fd-912d-02008a7a4e4a","status":"Completed","name":"MY_Use Case 1_Insurance_Motor Quotation.pdf","type":"application/pdf","result":{"line":"Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad (200601015674) Quotation No : QKL24100001965 Authorised Agent TBB ENTERPRISE SDN. BHD. Issued Date : 02-10-2024 NO. 329, 1ST FLOOR, JALAN PUDU 55100 KUALA LUMPUR Contact: 92228855 Fax No: 92225491 E-Mail: [email protected] Voluntary Excess 0.00 Excess is the first amount that you are required to pay towards a claim you make on your car. Voluntary excess is the amount of excess you may opt in return of lower basic premium. Risk excess is the amount of excess determined by the company based on your risk criteria. Disclaimer: This quotation is valid until 01/12/2024 subject to the details provided to generate this quotation are accurate. Our Company's acceptance of your offer based on a valid quotation is subject to our Company's Underwriting Guidelines Kindly notify us immediately if any of the details given in this quotation is inaccurate. Please note that any misrepresentation may result in avoidance of your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of your claim, change of terms or termination of your contract of insurance in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013. Any policy issuance, entitlement or claims submitted arising from the insurance contract issued shall be subjected to the requirements of Economic Sanctions, Terrorism Financing, Proliferation Financing and other UN-sanction Regimes. The sum insured of your vehicle at the time you purchased / renewed this policy as well as the market value at the time of the loss is determined by the motor vehicle market valuation system (SNK Market Data Research Sdn Bhd) approved by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM). You should insure your vehicle at our agreed value or its current market value to avoid under-insurance or over- insurance. For more information on the effect of under-insurance and over-insurance, please refer to our policy wording or Allianz authorised agent. Page 2 02-10-2024 11:56:27 ","form":{"Disclaimer:":"This quotation is valid until 01/12/2024 subject to the details provided to generate this quotation are accurate. Our Company's acceptance of your offer based on a valid quotation is subject to our Company's Underwriting Guidelines","Authorised":"TBB ENTERPRISE SDN. BHD.","Fax No:":"92225491","Issued Date :":"02-10-2024","Contact:":null,"E-Mail:":"[email protected]","Quotation No :":"QKL24100001965","Voluntary Excess":"0.00","Page":"2","Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Berhad":"(200601015674)","Agent":"NO. 329, 1ST FLOOR, JALAN PUDU 55100 KUALA LUMPUR 92228855"},"table":[{"heading":[""],"rows":[[""]]}],"signature":[],"barcode":[]},"document_id":"ccb4835aee3ebc0a21e1055eb341a9f6","page_number":2,"document_url":"","updated_at":"2025-02-12T10:54:00.487873+05:30","file_size":94096,"pages":2,"created_at":"2025-02-12T10:53:49.671843+05:30","page_processing_time":"0:00:10.816030"}],"msg":"Record fetch successfully","traceback_id":"72a57f9a-6d87-4953-bfa8-fd4e3f28d4b2"}]}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

In this response I am able to get the data till ‘data’ structure, but I am not able to get any in ‘Result’ or any structure of ‘result’. Can anyone tell what the issue is because I have created structure exactly as in the response. This is the class I am currently using but I have already tried multiple methods but to no avail.
        json lv_nextresp1
        data lr_data ).
  CATCH cx_root INTO lx_exception1.
    WRITE‘Error during deserialization: ‘lx_exception->get_text).


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