SAP Analytics Cloud Planning Copy from Upload Version to Public Version: Overwrite issue


We are trying to copy data from a private version, where the data is uploaded using a flat file with “Data Uploader”, the requirement is to overwrite the data. But when we copy it using data actions, first time it works fine as there is no data in the public version. With the second upload (the upload version is completely emptied before the upload), the data for the missing dimensions is set to 0.00 instead of just overwriting what is in the second upload:


  • In first Upload and Copy to Public Works fine (as Period 01-04 and Dimensions L010 and L030 have similar data in Version _UPLOAD and in the public version EP2-2024


  • In second Upload it can be seen the Data for L030 (Period 1)  and L010 (Period 4) is set to 0 although it should have ignored it. All other dimensions are correctly “overwritten” as per settings in data action.m_singh_2-1741107729229.png


    We tried with normal copy data action with overwrite as well as with Advanced formulas but with no success. Did anyone face similar issue or does anyone know how it can solved? Thank You!


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