Batch Job sporadically cancels with error “Object requested is currently locked by user CONTROLM”

Hello Experts,

We have a custom program which updates a field in Table VEKP. The program is run in background mode in Production every 5 mins with user CONTROLM. It usually completes within 2 mins so there is never an overlap of 2 batch jobs of the same program. But, sporadically (5 times out of 120) the batch job fails because of lock issue. 


I tried to check for other batch jobs by CONTROLM which updates VEKP in the same period but didn’t find any.

I ran an Enqueue trace in ST12. The trace only shows the program name as “SAPLSENA”  against the Object “EVVEKPE” without fully displaying the ABAP Call Heirarchy.


I do not have access to SM12 in Production yet. Is there a better solution than checking the lock entries while waiting for the batch job to cancel? How do I catch which program run by CONTROLM is causing this issue? 

Best Regards,


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