SAP ABAP Reports are an essential tool for extracting and presenting data in SAP development. To manage the execution flow and improve the functionality of their systems, developers must comprehend the events in an ABAP report. This BLOG offers a thorough overview of events in SAP ABAP reports, including information on report types, the importance of events, and a full list of events accompanied by examples and explanations.
Report in SAP ABAP
A report in SAP ABAP is a software that gathers and presents data according to predetermined standards. An organization’s decision-making process is aided by the analysis and structured presentation of information provided in reports. Depending on the needs of the business, they might be as basic as lists or as sophisticated as analytical instruments.
Types of Reports:
In SAP ABAP, there are 7 types of reports:
- Classical Report
- Interactive Report
- Logical Database
- ABAP Query
- ABAP List Viewer Reports (ALV)
- Report Writer/ Report Painter
Classical Report in SAP ABAP:
Classical reports are the most basic and simple reports in SAP ABAP. Developers will begin with traditional reports. Using the WRITE statement, we can obtain the output. We don’t have any other features in this report, such as sorting, arranging, or filtering data.
Events in Classical Report in SAP ABAP:
1. Initialization (INIT):
This is the first step in a traditional report. This will be enabled before the selection screen appears.
WRITE: / ‘Initialization Event.’.
2. At Selection-Screen (AT SELECTION-SCREEN):
After the user’s input in the selection screen, the activation process began. This event validates user input before executing the program. The selection screen will be active once the user input has been processed.
WRITE: / ‘At Selection-Screen Event.’.
3. Start-of-Selection (START-OF-SELECTION):
Activated once after the selection screen has been processed, i.e. when the user attempts to execute on the selection screen.
WRITE: / ‘Start-of-Selection Event.’.
4.End-of-Selection (END-OF-SELECTION):
After the last statement in Start-of-Selection is executed, it will begin to activate.
WRITE: / ‘End-of-Selection Event.’.
5. Top-of-Page (TOP-OF-PAGE):
As a result of the first WRITE statement, data is displayed on a new page.
Example: TOP-OF-PAGE.
WRITE: / ‘Top-of-Page Event.’.
6. End-of-Page (END-OF-PAGE):
The text will be displayed at the bottom of the page. This is the final step in creating a traditional report in SAP ABAP.
WRITE: / ‘End-of-Page Event.’.
Interactive Reports in SAP ABAP:
The user can interact with the report in the interactive report. If a user wants specific information about a specific employee but the column displays all of the employee details, we can hide that information under employee details. When the user clicks on the employee details, the subreport containing the specific employee details is displayed.
Events in Interactive Report:
- At Predefined Function (PF)
- Top of Page during Line Selection
1. At Line-Selection (AT LINE-SELECTION):
When the event is triggered, we will double-click on the list, and a new sublist will be generated. If the statements have been returned, we can be found in the newly generated sublist.
WRITE: / ‘At Line-Selection Event.’.
2. At User-Command (AT USER-COMMAND):
The user functions keys are provided by this event.
CASE sy-ucomm.
3. At PF-Status (AT PF-STATUS):
For use with predefined function keys.
Example: AT PF-STATUS.
4. Top of Page during Line Selection:
Top event for the secondary list.
FORM display_top_of_page_during_line_selection.
WRITE: / ‘Top-of-Page Event During Line Selection: Additional Information’.
WRITE: / ‘You can display relevant details or perform actions here based on the selected line.’.
Logical Database Report
It is an additional tool for the ABAP report. If we use logical database reports (LDB), we have some additional features on ABAP reports. There is no need to declare parameters when using LDB. The selection screen will be generated automatically. In the ABAP report, we should use the statement Nodes.
ABAP Query Reports
This is an additional ABAP report tool. In SAP ABAP, this report has high accuracy and efficiency.
ABAP List Viewer (ALV):
The simplest method for reusing the library (transaction se83). In the ALV, there are two modes: list and grid. The list contains some standard functionality and is an old process, whereas grid mode is based on a new OCX object that displays grids.
Report Writer/ Report Painter:
Many users use a Report Painter/Report Writer library with transaction MC27 instead of ABAP code to write a report in SAP FICO.
What Happens According to the ABAP Report?
Events in an ABAP report are program points that have the potential to initiate particular actions. They give developers the ability to manage how code is executed and react to user input. For reports to have the appropriate functionality and user experience, events must be understood and used efficiently.
Importance of Events in Report:
Events provide SAP ABAP Reports more flexibility and interactivity. They allow developers to implement custom logic in response to user actions, like selecting or pressing a button. Developers can produce dynamic, responsive reports that address the unique requirements of consumers by utilizing events.
Understanding the various events in an SAP ABAP Report is essential for developers to create robust and interactive programs. By leveraging these events, developers can enhance the user experience, control program flow, and respond to user interactions effectively. This complete guide serves as a valuable resource for SAP ABAP developers aiming to master the intricacies of events in report programming.
Happy Learning!!!