Seeking Community Input: Optimize our Next Event Experience!

Hello Everyone!

I trust this post finds you all well. We are in the early planning stages for our next event and we want it to be an unforgettable experience for all of you. This is why we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas to make it as enjoyable and beneficial as possible.

  1. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN THE NEXT EVENT? We want this event to be centric to your interests. Are there any specific themes/activities/topics you want us to cover? Make sure to let us know all your creative ideas!

  2. REFLECTING ON THE PAST Our previous events were amazing, thanks to all your energy and enthusiasm! What were some elements/activities that you particularly enjoyed and would like to see again?

  3. DURATION OF THE EVENT An event’s effective duration plays a significant role in its success. What do you think should be the ideal duration for our next event? A few hours, an entire day, or a multi-day event? We’re open to your valuable suggestions.

  4. LOCATION Location plays a vital role in setting the mood and ambiance for the event. Do you have any recommendations within our capacity? It can be indoors, outdoors, or even a green environment.

  5. VISITING A PRODUCTION SITE We are also contemplating the idea of including a visit to a production site. It could be a fantastic opportunity to gain some industry insights. What do you think about this proposition?

Please take a moment to provide your responses. Your input is invaluable to us and will go a long way in planning an engaging, exciting, and informative event.

Thank you in advance for your contribution!


PS. You are still very welcome to start blog/discussion post yourself if you have something you wish to share with the community.

Emil Van Leeuwen

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