Weird behaviour regarding email notifications for ATC exemption requests

Hi All!

We recently switched our central ATC-system to now run on S/4HANA (7.56) and most of the functionality works as expected. We are however experiencing some weird issues when it comes to exemption requests and the notification emails they should trigger and I’d like to pinpoint the reasons for those in order to eliminate them.

When a developer asks for an exemption from one of the satellite systems, the notification is triggered immediately and we – as Exemption approvers – see it right away in the exemption browser. So far , so good.

Issue 1

We set up a specific user named ATC_APPROVER who has the SAP_SATC_QC (ATC Quality Expert) role. For this user, we use an email address (atc_approver…) which works as a distribution list, so that I and two of my colleagues get notified about pending exemption requests right away. Developers are asked to always use this specific user when requesting exemptions.

If this happens, the notification email shows up in SOST and we do get it delivered into our inboxes. If they however use one of the three individuals who are defined as exemption approvers, no email gets triggered. There’s no entry in SOST and therefore also no email in the selected approver’s inbox. There’s no dump and  SU53 doesn’t really tell us much either, unfortunately. Each of us has the ATC Administrator Role (SAP_SATC_ADMIN) but not the ATC Quality Expert role the ATC_APPROVER has. Do we need to have this this role added explicitely to our user accounts or is it included in the ADMIN role? If the latter, what else might be missing, if anything?

Issue 2

While testing the process yesterday with a colleague, something weird happened with the notification emails: instead of the email-address listed in his user-account, the recipient’s email address – i.e. “atc_approver…” showed up in SOST and the sent email. Is there some logic somewhere deep inside the ATC exemption processing, which swaps a sender’s email address under certain circumstances? And if there is, what are those circumstances?

Thanks much for any ideas, suggestion or pointers you may have!



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