SAP HANA Calculation Views exposed by CAP

Hello guys,

I would like to discuss with you the best approach to using SAP HANA calculation views exposed by a CAP service. I have several tables on the HANA DB that I have joined to get a single table on which to perform my analyses and aggregations. During the aggregation phase to get the measures I need, I used the Hidden property present on the Semantic node to ensure that the columns are not actually present as fields of the table but can be used as conditions in a where clause. For instance:

My initial table:

Name  Last Name Company  Office
John  Smith Company 1 Office 1
Michael Doe Company 2 Office 2
Steve John Company 3 Office 2
Patrizia Rossi Company 2 Office 3

My Calculation View:

Company Employee
Company 1 1
Company 2 2
Company 3 1

If I run a select * from my_calculation_view from the SQL console I get my Calculation view with 2 columns but it is also possible to run select * from my_calculation_view where Office= ‘Office 2’ to get this result

Company Employee
Company 2 1
Company 3 1

So Office column is not visible in my view but it is possible to use it in the where condition at least on the SQL console.

We generated the OData with a CAP service, but the hidden fields are not in the metadata so when we try to apply the $filter=Office eq ‘Office2’ it doesn’t work.

which is the best approach in this case?


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