Find Table for SQ01: statistic of Variant Configurator (SO, Characteristic, Values)

Hi, I need to create a Report in SQ01: Enter a Period of time and VC Part Number and get a list of SOs with Characteristics and Values (from Variant Configurator). It would be very useful for our statistic.
A transaction that give me some of required information is CL30N (Find Objects in Classes) – I can extend the layout to display all Characteristics (not only Chars and Values used in Search) and will get a report, where SOs, all Characteristics and Vales are displayed. Unfortunately I cannot set a time limit here to get a list of SOs for e.g. last year. I can not find a table used in the Transaction CL30N with button F1…
I found a SQ01 Report with tables VBAP, VBAK and additional fields Z_CH_NAME and Z_CH_DESC 1 till 18 that is almost what I need, but columns of Characteristics have name “Ch Val 1”, “Ch Val 2” etc., not the description from the VC.
Could you please help me to find the solution?

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