What’s your tip for using SAP Build Apps?

Here’s my tip – I just learned this a few days ago, even though I’ve been using SAP Build Apps (and before that SAP AppGyver, and before that AppGyver) for 2 years.

When creating logic, you do not have to drag your cursor from the output knob of one flow function to the input knob of a second flow function. You can simply drag your cursor anywhere over the second flow function and the 2 flow functions will connect.


Let go and it will snap into place. Viola!! No more struggling to drop it right on the incoming knob.


Another similar tip is, if you have a complex flow logic, connect the first and last flow function (or connect the event to a dummy flow function).


Now you can drag a new flow function onto the canvas, then pick it up and put it on the already created connection – the line will become dotted.


Let go and the flow function will automatically be connected in the flow (if the flow function has more than one outgoing knobs, the flow will connect to the first one).




What is your tip for using SAP Build Apps? 

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