Data Load to SAC for SuccessFactor for FTE Planning

Dear Team ,

We are implementing SAP SAC Planning Model for FTE ( Full time Equivalent ) .

We have to get below fields : Employee  employment Data , Position Data , Employee HR positions , Manager positions .

The planning will be done on Position Level . Hence we need to Query on position as root element I am unable to get employee data and matrix relationship data using one Query and seems I will have to do make multiple queries to the  SF database . I am new to SAC and I do not understand how will these data imports – ( 3 Queries for Example ) be co- related to fill my Model Dimensions with Data . When I tried to map the fields from different queries I get stuck at the map facts area and it asks me map all the dimensions including measures before i proceed for import .


Looking for support and correct directions .



Thanks in Advance .


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