What is salv_de_layout_restriction and disvariant-variant?

Hello and good morning!
I’m very much a beginner when it comes to ABAP, and right now I was given the task to go through some ALV code and see how they do it. There’s many things I don’t understand, one of them being what salv_de_layout_restriction is? In the code it is used as a type, like this:



types: begin of g_type_s_test,
amount type i,
repid type syrepid,
display type i,
restrict type salv_de_layout_restriction,
default type sap_bool,
layout type disvariant-variant,
load_layo type sap_bool,
end of g_type_s_test.



Maybe I’m being way too detailed when it comes to understanding every little thing, but I really want to know what it is I’m using. I’ve seen salv_de_layout_restriction be used in other code examples, but haven’t found any explanation as to what it is, what you can do with it, etc. So I was wondering if anyone could help me? 

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