SAP Build Apps – Community Edition: Cannot build APK since weeks

Hi all,
the build process for Android is not working (see error below). Since about 2 months, if I’m not misaken. And there’s no reaction by SAP whatsever to the complaints in the forum – not even an acknowledgement of the issue.
Can someone at SAP or in the community please confirm this or that way: Is the build process working for you?

I have to decide basically now, if I keep waiting or migrate my app to a different builder. Everyone here should understand how painful that can be. So help would be highly appreciated!


Runtime version: 4.9.218; 
AB version: 2.1.14
COMMAND: NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=16000 npxrnv export -p android -s standalone -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r

Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p android -s standalone -c standalone --ci --yes --skipRnvCheck --packageManager yarn --template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r


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