Supplier Evaluation Metrics for Scorecard

Good Afternoon all, I am in the process of developing a vendor scorecard using data from SAP. I have the following tiles: 

  • Supplier Evaluation by Quantity
  • Supplier Evaluation by Time
  • Operational supplier Evaluation 
  • Supplier Evaluation by price
  • Overall Supplier Evaluation 
  • Supplier evaluation by questionnaire
  • Overall supplier evaluation 

I have a couple of questions. First off the supplier evaluation by Delivery Time states it uses the Good Receipt date and the delivery date, However we update the delivery date on a single line so the other departments know when the material is supposed to arrive. In the evaluation of the score, does it use the original delivery date and good received date or does it use the updated delivery date?

My next question is regarding the quantity metric. First, to my knowledge this metric is using the amount ordered and amount received. However if the supplier cannot fill the initial quantity on the PO, and they split it into 2 orders (ex: ordered 100, and received separate shipments of 75 and 25). Is the score going to penalize the vendor for this as we did not receive the initial ordered amount of 100?

The evaluation of quality is based upon the lot number according my program. Is this a good measure of quality? I thought about possibly measuring the quality by the returns/rejected materials but I am not sure how to integrate this into SAP

My next question is how to implement a questionnaire in SAP and use it as a metric in a scorecard.

My last question is other tips or guidance on creating a scorecard and if its possible relying solely on SAP for this. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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