SAP Build Process Automation Recommend Landscape

Hi fellows,

I am not sure about the recommend landscape setup for SBPA.

Due to the fact that now, Business Rules are “embbeded” inside the Project, it looks like that the recommed setup should be one single subaccount for Dev/QA and Production.

But considering that we often need to maintain the projetcs and perform tests, a DEV/QA plus a separated PRD subaccout makes sense, but going this way, the user is forced to maintain the business rules in QA and then transport to PRD, which does not make any sense, otherwise every time we transport a new version of the project to PRD, the business rules is overwriten.

I do not understand why by embeding Business Rules into the SBPA project it would be better for the users to maintain it, none of the users I presented it, approved or enjoyed it, it is actually making it more complicated to be handled.




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