if you want to go a bit further than the SAP trainings on AI and understand how SAP JOULE works

If you are interested in all the innovations related to AI, you might also have attended the new trainings around SAP GenAI HUB  and SAP JOULE
And maybe you have also been asking yourself “Okay, but how does it work under the hood, what is the magic behind all this ?”

There are tons of content available freely on this topic, but the quality can be ….. limited (generated by ChatGPT ?)

So in case you are interested, here are the two best content I found for a technical explanations on the main concepts that SAP JOULE is based on:

– for a detailled introduction on LLMs (one hour but worth it  …): Intro to Large Language Models – YouTube

– to understand how SAP JOULE will add the context of the company data from their respective SAP systems and Microsoft applications, via a processus called Retrieval Augmented Generation ( or “grounding”), a short and very clear presentation by don woodlock: What is RAG? (Retrieval Augmented Generation) (youtube.com)

enjoy the show and please add your own finds !  🍿

(note: original posted on Linkedin)

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