After migrating my project from AppGyver to SAP Build App, trying for the first time to build iOS Mobile/Tablet ( Android worked fine) via SAP Build App and encountering the below error ( never had this issue with AppGyver)
Runtime version: 4.11.132; AB version: 2.12.0COMMAND:
npxrnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone –ci –yes –skipRnvCheck –packageManager yarn –template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r –xcodebuildArchiveArgs “OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=”–keychain AppGyver-122603″”
Command failed with exit code 1: npx rnv export -p ios -s standalone_appstore -c standalone –ci –yes –skipRnvCheck –packageManager yarn –template @sapappgyver/[email protected] -r –xcodebuildArchiveArgs “OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=”–keychain AppGyver-122603″”
I checked everything and I am sure the error is not on my end, since I have done this several time in the past successfully. My problem is that that App store asking to update the app on/before 8/31/2024 else they are going to remove the app. Could some let me know how I can solve the issue?