Invalid or missing namespace

I am trying to use OData V2 Adapter to fetch 2 fields (ProductID and ProductName) from Products table present in the Northwind.svc. When I use the default $metadata saved as an EDMX file, I get Schema error. After modifying the EDMX file as suggested in  blog post

I can select the data source and Products table with 2 fields selected, the package deploys successfully, but when I run it from Postman, it returns a missing schema error.


I got the Error: “An internal server error occurred: The MPL ID for the failed message is: AGa9argsv–YdHdCQodTO7tVhy0h”. After further examination of Message Processing Log Attachments, it is not loading the correct EDMX file where I have changed the ado date to 2008/09 as suggested by SAP Community blogpost. However, when I examine the body it still shows xmlns:edmx=” What could cause not to load the EDMX file that I’ve provided?

Need your help friends.

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