Favorite book and SAP Community Readers?

Hello Community! 

Is it possible we haven’t started a discussion yet about your favorite books, or the “book that changed your life,” or the type of books you enjoy reading⁉️

I know it’s impossible to pick just one favorite book, but I’m looking for recommendations for my next read.

Right now, there’s a book that changed my life, but after reading it three times, the third version of myself might not recommend it as highly, haha 😂

Your Erroneous ZonesYour Erroneous ZonesYour Erroneous Zone

This book helped me take more responsibility for my choices and stop blaming external environments or situations.

I usually alternate between reading classic books and “self-help” books. 
One of my favorite classics is:


1985 – George Orwell

I don’t think this book needs much explanation. If you haven’t read it, you definitely should. It’s an incredible book. I read it in my native language because it was too difficult for me to read in English.

But my favorite author overall, the one who got me into reading, is:


Herman Hessen

I love how he blends psychology with narrative. Siddhartha, Demian, Narcissus and Goldmund—I love them all. 

Special mention to another author:


Yuval Noah Harari

He wrote best-selling books that introduced me to history (which used to be one of my least favorite subjects in school 😅). Well written and a pleasure to read

Anyway, enough about me—I’m really curious to hear about your favorite books and authors.  I’m always on the lookout for something new to read, so hit me up with your suggestions!
What books have made a difference in your life, or just ones you really enjoyed?

Can’t wait to see what everyone’s into!

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