Standard BAPI BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE Header Custom fields add for custom table

Hello Expert!!!

Need to add zfields in the header portion as per business requirement. I want to make a copy of “BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE” to ”ZBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE”. In the header portion 3 custom fields need to add.

Function group MB_BUS2017 copy as ZMB_BUS2017.For Function module am I give Z against all old function module. Please guided me step by step guideline to complete the task or any link.

Customs fields data kept in Ztable. Using BAPI ZBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE user complete GRN from Apps.

Am I copy standard BAPI and create a ZBAPI or using standard BAPI added custom fields to BAPI2017_GM_HEAD_01 (which is added in header portion in mIGO).

Need guideline to complete the job.

Custom fields in MIGO:


Custom Tables where data saved:


Thanks in advance.





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