BADI / ENH / User-Exit that hits very first when inbound IDOCs get into Receiver system? OB too?


Reservation (RKPF and RESB) IDOC is sending by ECC_Sender_sys to ECC_Receiver_Sys, but when IDOC comes into Receiver sys some of the data is overwriting on inbound IDOC. Its custom message type, custom basic type, custom Inbound IDOC posting FM.

Pls. let us know the BADI / ENH / User-Exit that comes first when the Inbound IDOC comes into Receiver sys. From Call Stack we saw that the data already getting over writing by the time of  FMs of  IDOC_START_INBOUND, IDOC_INPUT; BADI IDOC_DATA_WRAPPER.

Same way, pls. let us know the very last BADI / ENH / User-Exit that hits before the outbound IDOC sent out by sender sys? 

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