No suitable purchase requisitions found – Stock Transport Order ME59N

Hi Experts

I am implementing the automatic creation of interplant stock transfer orders with transaction ME54N, then I will automate the generation with program RM06BB30.

When I try to extend the supplying plant in the BP tx to activate the automatic order box the system issues the following message: No vendor can be created with grouping ZCEN – Message no.: FSBP_ECC005.

Following the note 3532987 I tried to add the grouping ZCEN in the SPRO and I get the following message Entry ZCEN does not exist in T077K (check entry) Message No. 00058

The ZCEN grouping groups together the plants that are used in the stock transport orders

Please let me know how to solve the case and if you can tell me the steps for the generation of transfer orders with the tx ME59N to work.



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