Business Technology Platform Blog Posts

SAP Edge Integration Cell: Bridging the Integration Gap for Businesses

In the ever-evolving landscape of business integration, a challenge persists—how to balance the need for seamless data connectivity with the imperative of data security and compliance. This is where SAP Edge Integration Cell (EIC) steps onto the stage as a pivotal solution. Allow me to guide you through the data dilemma and why EIC is …

SAP Edge Integration Cell: Bridging the Integration Gap for Businesses Read More »

Exploring Enterprise Integration Design Guidelines with SAP’s comprehensive packages

Recognizing the significance of enterprise-grade integration flows is crucial. While designing and running a simple integration flow may seem easy, it is important to consider non-functional aspects when aiming for productive integration flow execution. Impact of Poorly Designed Integration Flows: Poorly designed integration flows can lead to errors and disruptions. These flows share resources and …

Exploring Enterprise Integration Design Guidelines with SAP’s comprehensive packages Read More »

Next in the SAP Garage – Use SAP Fiori Custom Code Migration App to Analyze Your ABAP Custom Code for SAP S/4HANA Readiness.

In the November 2023 edition of SAP Garage we feature this use case that highlights how SAP Fiori custom code migration app can be leveraged to analyze ABAP custom code for SAP S/4HANA readiness. The demo will focus on how to use custom code migration app that businesses can use to analyze  custom code for …

Next in the SAP Garage – Use SAP Fiori Custom Code Migration App to Analyze Your ABAP Custom Code for SAP S/4HANA Readiness. Read More »

Uipath RPA流程部署入门练习

本文档内容是基于我个人对Uipath的理解产生的,目的是帮助您快速理解Uipath RPA功能的部署方式,阅读时间约为1小时。   本文档包含以下部分: 1.试用环境申请 2.安装Studio开发工具 3.创建最简单的流程项目 4.发布流程项目到中控台 5.在开发机上配置无人值守流程 6.在其他机器上配置无人值守流程 Uipath的RPA平台支持三种部署方式:单击部署;本地中控台+本地机器人;云端中控台+本地机器人;这里为了快速体验,选择了使用官方提供的试用账户,以云端中控台+本地机器人的方式进行流程部署 首先试用账户会获得一个默认的Tenant,该Tenant内包含两个资源组”My Workspace”和”Shared”,我们在练习中会在本地开发工具Studio中开发一个最简单的流程,然后将该流程发布到中控台中的Shared资源组内。 然后在全局Tenant内建立一个账户,为该账户分配Shared资源组的权限;再建立一个Machine Template即电脑资源池,将要部署流程的电脑注册到该资源池内;最后将电脑资源池分配给Shared资源组内的流程,即可达到最终效果   1.试用环境申请 进入Uipath官网,点击右上角的Try Uipath Free, 再点击Sign Up,完成注册 注册完成之后再回到,点击Sign In,输入邮箱收到的验证码,验证完成之后即可进入云中控台,实际生产环境中Uipath还支持完全本地部署,可以在内网部署自己的中控台   2.安装Studio开发工具 Uipath RPA能力由三部分组成,在本地安装的Studio上开发RPA程序,然后将该程序交由云端或本地安装的Orchestrator调度,最后由Orchestrator指挥安装在具体电脑上的Robot执行自动化程序 我们在教程中会使用云端的Orchestrator,所以暂时无需安装,先让我们在本地安装一个Studio 在https://cloud.uipath.com的右上角点击Download Studio来下载安装包   这里下载好的安装包是Community版,但是用来学习也基本可以满足我们的需要 打开安装包,选择自定义安装,安装模式选择为此计算机的所有用户安装,安装包选择Automation Developer 我这边安装耗时大概5分钟,安装过程中可能需要关闭一次所有浏览器进程 安装完成后第一次打开Studio时需要登录,这里先打开浏览器中的云中控台,再点击登录,程序会自动跳转验证网页,最后选择使用模式,我这里选择的是Studio而非StudioX(StudioX更多针对非开发背景的用户)   3.创建最简单的流程项目 自动化流程的结构分为流程,流表和状态机三种,分别对应从简单到复杂的流程,我们这里先以最简单的流程作为开始 在studio首页点击”新建项目-流程”,名称和说明保持为默认的”空白流程”,确认后就会创建出一个流程,大体上由上方的工具栏,左侧的控件栏和中间承载具体流程的空白画布组成,画布上会有一个默认的主流程控件   在左侧的活动部分搜索 Message,在弹出选项中将“消息框”控件拖入空白画布中主流程控件中间的+号上,即可将其添加进来(当然也可以直接点按+号再搜索控件),最后为消息框控件输入一串文字,以双引号包裹住即可,最后点击左上角的保存   保存好后,点击左上角的”调试文件-运行”即可   此时Studio会进行代码检查和编译等工作,最后打开一个消息框     4.发布流程项目到中控台 首先我们需要将开发完成的RPA流程发布到Orchestrator上,这样OC才能将流程发布给其他Robot,点击右上角的”发布”,先保持其他属性不变直接发布   此时来到,从左侧进入Orchestrator,从Home切换到Automation页之后,就可以在默认的Process Tab下看到我们刚刚上传的第一个流程“空白流程”了 …

Uipath RPA流程部署入门练习 Read More »

Announcement: Hybrid Integrations with Integration Suite

We hear your feedback and are delighted to announce the General Availability of ‘Edge Integration Cell,’ an essential capability of the SAP Integration Suite. All existing and new Integration Suite standard and premium edition customers can enable it, and further licensing details can be found at Discovery Center.   What Is SAP Integration Suite Edge Integration …

Announcement: Hybrid Integrations with Integration Suite Read More »

Direct Deployment of UI Integration Cards to SAP Work Zone

Hello everyone, In this blog post I’m going to explain how to setup the SAP Business Technology Platform subaccount to deploy an UI Integration Card directly from the SAP Business Application Studio into the SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition content repository. In general, you can deploy your UI Integration Cards to your subaccount in one …

Direct Deployment of UI Integration Cards to SAP Work Zone Read More »

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