Employee Central Exam Attempt
Good Evening Everyone May I please get assistance and guidance on how I can pass the Employee Central Exam
Good Evening Everyone May I please get assistance and guidance on how I can pass the Employee Central Exam
Good Evening Everyone May I please get assistance and guidance on how I can pass the Employee Central Exam
Good Evening Everyone May I please get assistance and guidance on how I can pass the Employee Central Exam
Good Evening Everyone May I please get assistance and guidance on how I can pass the Employee Central Exam
Hello experts:I am now using SAP GUI Scripting to automatically download documents, using transaction code CV04N. The script has been written by Python, but it needs to be optimized. Here is the script: ————————————————————————————— import win32com.clientimport timeimport pyautoguiimport pandas as pd # set pathfile_path = r”C:UsersAdministratorDesktoptesttdocument_codes.xlsx” # read Excel df = pd.read_excel(file_path, engine=’openpyxl’)document_codes = df[‘DocumentCode’].tolist() try:# …
SAP GUI Scripting with python to automatically download pdf files use CV04N Read More »
Hello experts:I am now using SAP GUI Scripting to automatically download documents, using transaction code CV04N. The script has been written by Python, but it needs to be optimized. Here is the script: ————————————————————————————— import win32com.clientimport timeimport pyautoguiimport pandas as pd # set pathfile_path = r”C:UsersAdministratorDesktoptesttdocument_codes.xlsx” # read Excel df = pd.read_excel(file_path, engine=’openpyxl’)document_codes = df[‘DocumentCode’].tolist() try:# …
SAP GUI Scripting with python to automatically download pdf files use CV04N Read More »
Hello experts:I am now using SAP GUI Scripting to automatically download documents, using transaction code CV04N. The script has been written by Python, but it needs to be optimized. Here is the script: ————————————————————————————— import win32com.clientimport timeimport pyautoguiimport pandas as pd # set pathfile_path = r”C:UsersAdministratorDesktoptesttdocument_codes.xlsx” # read Excel df = pd.read_excel(file_path, engine=’openpyxl’)document_codes = df[‘DocumentCode’].tolist() try:# …
SAP GUI Scripting with python to automatically download pdf files use CV04N Read More »
Hello experts:I am now using SAP GUI Scripting to automatically download documents, using transaction code CV04N. The script has been written by Python, but it needs to be optimized. Here is the script: ————————————————————————————— import win32com.clientimport timeimport pyautoguiimport pandas as pd # set pathfile_path = r”C:UsersAdministratorDesktoptesttdocument_codes.xlsx” # read Excel df = pd.read_excel(file_path, engine=’openpyxl’)document_codes = df[‘DocumentCode’].tolist() try:# …
SAP GUI Scripting with python to automatically download pdf files use CV04N Read More »
Greeting from Aaron Lee who is a beginner of ABAP student. I meet a runtime error in the following codes which has no syntax error. REPORT z3_4native_sql . DATA: gv_carrid LIKE sflight-carrid VALUE ‘AA’, gv_connid LIKE sflight-connid. EXEC SQL. SELECT A.CONNID INTO :gv_connid FROM SFLIGHT A WHERE A.MANDT = :SY-MANDT AND A.CARRID = :gv_carrid. ENDEXEC. …
Greeting from Aaron Lee who is a beginner of ABAP student. I meet a runtime error in the following codes which has no syntax error. REPORT z3_4native_sql . DATA: gv_carrid LIKE sflight-carrid VALUE ‘AA’, gv_connid LIKE sflight-connid. EXEC SQL. SELECT A.CONNID INTO :gv_connid FROM SFLIGHT A WHERE A.MANDT = :SY-MANDT AND A.CARRID = :gv_carrid. ENDEXEC. …