Elevating Internal Transfers Transitions through SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding for Internal Hires

Thanks to co-authors Vasanthi Valliappan and Sai Jai Ganesh Gurubaran for their collaboration on this blog post. Overview In today’s dynamic business environment, organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of internal hires and promoting a culture of growth and development from within. Internal job transitions offer a unique opportunity to leverage existing talent and cultivate …

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How to Validate Bank Accounts or Work Permit Documents Using Business Rules in Employee Central

Business Scenario Sometimes we have a requirement to validate a number containing N digits with an additional validation (or verification) digit. An example is the bank account number of different banks in some countries, where we need to weight each digit with a specific number, sum all the results, apply a Modulo 10 or 11 …

How to Validate Bank Accounts or Work Permit Documents Using Business Rules in Employee Central Read More »

SAP S/4HANA: Let’s simplify how we extend the business core and enhance the user experience

New season, new personal horizons with Cloud ERP UX Engineering For me, autumn will forever remain synonymous with exciting new opportunities to learn, whether that be a new term at school or university or in the workplace. I’m sure this unites many of us within this community! With memories of academia at the forefront of …

SAP S/4HANA: Let’s simplify how we extend the business core and enhance the user experience Read More »

SAP Cloud Integration: How to use Password Credentials for Outbound Request

SAP Cloud Integration (aka CPI) provides support for calling OAuth-protected service endpoints via HTTP Receiver channel. Using “Credentials” artifacts, e.g. “Client Credentials”, CPI is able to automatically fetch JWT tokens that are sent to the target endpoint. However, the OAuth flow “Resource Owner Password Credentials” is not supported. This blog post shows how to manually …

SAP Cloud Integration: How to use Password Credentials for Outbound Request Read More »

The 5 steps to consume Amazon Bedrock and Azure OpenAI Generative AI services from SAP BTP using SAP AI Core

Hello. In today’s blog, I will discuss why and how we can use an external Generative AI service from SAP BTP using AI Core. What is AI Core, and what is the difference with Data Intelligence Cloud SAP AI Core handles the execution and operations of our AI assets in BTP. SAP Data Intelligence Cloud …

The 5 steps to consume Amazon Bedrock and Azure OpenAI Generative AI services from SAP BTP using SAP AI Core Read More »

SAP BTP Kyma API Rules with destinations and a managed approuter.

SAP BTP Kyma runtime offers a number of optional modules and built-in components . One of these components is the api gateway. And one of the most commonly used api gateway resources is the api rule. An API rule is a relatively complex Custom Resource Definition that simplifies the task of exposing kubernetes services to …

SAP BTP Kyma API Rules with destinations and a managed approuter. Read More »

Tell us about Your Experience with SAP BTP Connectivity

Have you ever been in touch with the Connectivity service or the Destination service for SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP)? For example, creating or configuring a destination in the BTP cockpit, or doing some connectivity configuration in your app code? If so, let us know about your experience. There’s a really short survey (5 …

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本文档内容是基于我个人对SAP集成套件的理解产生的,阅读时间约为1小时。 本文档主要分享集成套件中API管理功能的入门操作   本文档包含以下部分: 1.引入真实API 2.创建代理API 3.为代理API添加策略 4.为API准备收费计划(可选) 5.将代理API制作为API Product以供其他用户消费 6.管理API消费者   如果您对BTP感兴趣,BTP个人精选内容目录 | SAP Blogs 可能有更多你需要的内容   BTP客户在获取BTP账户之后会收到邮件,内包含激活账号方式及自己的全局账号链接   1.引入真实API 为背后的API创建API provider,以将前台API与后台真实API解耦 首先如果后台API是基于HTTPS的,先获取该API的证书,可以在浏览器打开该API所属domain网址,点击浏览器上地址栏最左侧的小锁,导出der格式的证书,在”Configure-APIs-Certificate”内进行导入   然后创建API Provicer,进入”Configure-APIs-Create”   分别填入名字,由于我这里选择的后台API为https://m.maoyan.com/,所以命名之后直接填入host参数,一般HTTPS服务为443端口,HTTP服务为8080端口   CatalogService暂时置空,即可保存   2.创建代理API 基于API provider来创建一个API   创建API之后,Save,再点击右上角的”…-Deploy”,就可以通过访问这个前台API来连接到后台API了,例如访问https://int905.apimanagement.cn40.apps.platform.sapcloud.cn/v1/basePath/ajax/movieOnInfoList,就会返回https://m.maoyan.com/ajax/movieOnInfoList的结果   但是这只是进行了转发,还没有添加其他能力   3.为代理API添加策略 点击右上角的policy进入策略编辑器来为这个API添加能力   首先解释一下界面,策略主要在两个流程中生效,分别是消息从消费者处发送到APIM(及APIM的Response),以及消息从APIM发送到后端真实API流程,我们首先为inbound消息添加一条Spike Arrest信息,来在请求超过一定频率之后停止向后端真实API发送消息,   Policy创建完成后会自带一份模板代码,这里修改<Rate>属性即可修改频率限制,默认的30pm代表每分钟最多访问30次,我这里将其修改为2pm后,”Update该策略-Save该API-Deploy部署该API”之后,通过浏览器访问Endpoint即可触发Spike Arrest,停止服务 我们还可以为其添加许多其他的Policy,以及将制作完成的一套Policy转为一套Policy Template用来让其他系统复用,这里就不详细展开了。   4.为API准备收费计划 APIM可以统计不同用户对不同API的访问次数,所以可以为API设定费率计划,用以向API消费者收费,进入“Monetize-Create”   5.将代理API制作为API Product以供其他用户消费 …

集成套件API管理入门练习 Read More »

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