SAP Build Apps Application to show Data from ODATA S4 System in tubular format


In this blog you will learn how to display data in SAP Build Apps web application from SAP ODATA Service.

Overview:- The SAP Build apps low code/no code solutions which enable users of all skill levels to easily create the business applications. This approach help users to create applications and automate the  processes, Developer can use the drag-and-drop functionality and create the application.

Business Scenario:- Here I am going to show you, How S4 OData consumed to Build apps in tubular format.


Welcome Page

Click on Create button and click on Build an Application


Builds app

Click on Web & Mobile Application


Web and Mobile app

Give the Project Name & Project Description and Click on Create button


Project Name and Description

Design view, As we can see all the tool in the CORE tab but Table we can not find here so we need to go in INSTALLED Tab.


Design view

In Installed tab search for Table as given below.


Installed Tab

Click on Table and you will get option for install the Table in UICANVAS.


Install Table

After Installed Table you will get table in Installed Tab.


Added Table in Installed Tab

Drag Table to Page Layout


Drag Table to Page Layout

Before Mapping data from S4 to Build apps , We need to create Destination in the BTP cockpit under Connectivity and give the required details of S4 system , ODATA URI and Additional Properties as given below.


BTP Destination

Connection Test


Connection Test

Click on Auth Tab in UI Canvas


Auth Tab

Click on Enable Authentication Button


Enable Authentication

Click on Enable BTP authentication.


SAP BTP Authentication

Click on Save button.


BTP authentication Page

Now go to Data Tab and click on Add Integration


Add Integration


Add BTP Destination

You will get your created BTP destination as below.


Get Destination


After select the destination, you will get ODATA Set and click on Install Integration


Installed Integration

Click on Enable Data Entity.


Enable Data Entity

Save the Integration.


Save Integration

Click on UI Canvas and Select the table, in Right side click on Configure button under Table resource.


Go to UI Canvas

Select ODATA Set


Select ODATA Set

Here you can see the fields from ODATA and in Display Name you can give your desire column heading name.After that click on Save and exit and click on Save button on top right.


Showing fields from ODATA

Click on Launch Tab and click on Open Preview portal.


Launch Tab for Preview portal

Click on Open web preview


Open web preview

Select your project which you want to see the output.


Select your Project

Final output as below data is coming from S4 and displaying in Build apps.


Final Output

In conclusion, integrating S/4 HANA using BTP destinations and SAP Build apps can provide businesses with a powerful solution to streamline their processes and improve their customer experience. By using BTP destinations to connect the multiple systems and SAP Build apps to create custom applications, businesses can read real-time data from S/4 HANA and display.

Once you get more familiar with the SAP Build apps then it will be easier to build scenario and play around. Try to different some more integration scenarios.

Hope this blog may help you in your use cases. Please do like follow and comment if you have an any query on this topic.

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