SAP AI Model – Clarification Questions on Design

Hi everybody!

Got some questions around Joule to which I was unable to find answers to in the available online literature. So I am posting them here in the hope that among my fellow AI fans and peers I can get some additional insights.


  1. Can a customer launch and apply their own LLM or 3rd party LLM against their own data on RISE? I understand that SAP has Joule, but can a customer add another LLM (For whatever reason – its highly specialised etc) and configure it to run against their data sources? Such as S/4HANA, HXM, Ariba etc?
  2. Since the SAP Jouel model is baked into the BTP construct, and it interrogates customer data within that customers domain, is it correct to infer that the learnings from the model interactions allow SAP to update their core models and therefore continuously improve the model, iteration after iteration?

Insights into these two questions would greatly improve my understanding of the capabilities.

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